Thursday, March 5, 2009

So this is how gay people feel...

So I finally came out of the closet to my mother... no not that I'm gay but than I'm conservative. *shakes head* If you don't understand let me give you a little background. My parents (who are both currently married to other people [long story maybe later]) both trend to the left. That being said, my mom is actually the conservative one of the two and she happens to be a dyed in the wool, card carrying, pot smoking Democrat (my dad, let's just say that he is somewhere left of Lenin).

I visited my sister this week to finish some business concerning a car I bought from one of her husbands co-workers and my mom decides to visit... Great! We're talking and such and my mom mentions that politics is pretty much persona non grata at her house because of her current husbands conservative views; they've decided to avoid the difficulty of the disagreements (which from my experience can be rather vocal and in some cases involve the throwing of objects including full cans of soda [once again long story, maybe later]) and just not talk about politics at all which requires her to keep reminding her husband of that. At that point I can't keep my foot out of my mouth and mention that I feel so lucky that my wife and I agree so much on our politics considering we both came to the middle from opposite sides of the spectrum. Enter now the pained look in my mother's eyes when she mentions that she has noticed and wondered how conservative my view have gotten considering the way I was raised. Of course I don't notice the pained look and continue shoving my foot done my throat by stating that there are even some things that I'm more conservative on than either my wife or mother-in-law (who happens to be a staunch (well staunch is too tame a descriptor) Republican. Take gun rights for example I believe that if a person wishes to own a tank and can prove that they can safely operate said tank, they should be able to buy the damn tank (including ammunition). The look of pain morphs into the mom look (everyone knows the mom look, it's that look that moms reserve for particularly naughty children) and she states that she's for gun control. Saying that she's not against guns for hunting but she is against hand guns because their only purpose is to kill people. Now I'm talking audibly with my foot in my mouth well past my knee when I say "and for home protection" At which point I finally realize the looks that I'm getting not only from my mom but from my sister and decide its time to shut up.

So I'm out of the closet as a conservative with my family and my mom thinks I'm some kind of rabid gun nut despite the fact that I don't currently own any guns. Good times.

1 comment:

Florida Dom said...

Good to hear you don't actually own any guns, which makes you safer. If there is a gun in the house, the odds are much more likely that somebody in the house will be shot, by accident or whatever, than an intruder will be shot. Over 10,000 people a year die in the U.S. every year because of gun violence. That's 3 9/11s or 30 9/11s since 9/11 happened.

Of course, guns aren't the real problem. Bullets are.